Active Carry Technologies/Burnshield = Standard Issue!

We are excited to announce we are using BURNSHIELD burn care/remediation products exclusively in several of pur premium kits, including our #WorldFamous "ouch pouch"! We have been using it exclusively in our Ranger Kit for over a year, but we are convinced they best options for our customers and they response to burns, rash, as well other topical issues where a local anaesthesia is helpful. The Ranger Kit will now come standard with theBurnshield Mini Burn Kit with Burn Dressing, Burn Gel and Securing Bandage!
Here are some reasons why:
"Burnshield takes advantage of the soothing and antimicrobial properties of all natural tea-tree oil and combines it with a perfectly viscous hydrogel to cool the wound and protect from infection."
"Burnshield is a remarkable sterile line of burn gels and burn dressings for optimal emergency burn-care. For 25 years, Burnshield products have been an essential tool for emergency first responders and both industrial and home first aid kits alike.
- Cools the burn
- Reduces pain
- Prevents infection
- Promotes recovery