New! The signature kit built for Brittney Norton of @armdandammod! This kit was built to range/vehicle/Stop The Bleed specs with the capabilities of managing multiple injuries/occurences. Standard lifesavers: CAT combat tourniquet, NAR ETD bandage, Hyfin chest seal, and Quikclot EMS among several others. Make like Brittney and Be Your Own 1st Responder!
USE ARMED10 CODE checking out for 10% off!
1x Small EMT rip-away nylon/cordura pouch (molle)
1x CAT GEN 7 Combat tourniquet
1x North American Rescue ETD 4" bandage
1x Quikclot EMS rolled hemostatic gauze
1x Hyfin vented chest seal
1x Dynarex bleed stopper dressing
1x H&H compressed gauze dressing
1x Curaplex Triangular bandage
1x Nasopharangeal tube 28R
1x Sharpie permanent marker
1x EMT trauma shears
1x Stop The Bleed card
1x Mylar trauma blanket
1x TCCC Casualty Care card