Arm'd & Ammo'd Systems
We are proud to be collaborating with Brittney Norton of Arm'd and Ammo'd Training in Colorado. She is the "real deal", bringing firearms training, safety and first aid accumen to the table. We've developed kits at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels of response with "Stop The Bleed" Official first aid/trauma tools.
*Use coupon code ARMED10 for 10% off any kit checking out!
Brittney in her own words:
Certified Instructor
Certified Refuse To Be A Victim Instructor
The Well Armed Women Chapter Leader
Eddie Eagle Volunteer
As an Instructor I Love Teaching:
- Firearm Safety
- Safe Gun Handling + Fundamentals
- New Shooter Familiarization
- How to Re-train the Mindset
- Situational Awareness
- How to Build Confidence, Minimize Fear and Maximize Comfort in Shooting
As a Volunteer I Love:
- Encouraging Others
- Promoting a Safer Community
- Educating Everyone on Our 2A Rights


The Paradigm

The Prism

CAT Intermediate Re-Load

CAT TQ Advanced Re-Load Kit